Face your fears. Look them straight in the eye; confront the concerns and learn what makes them linger. Let go of the need to engage them in a struggle as fighting only makes them stronger. In order to loosen their grip, slowly pry away the fingers of fear clutching your heart. Remember you have grown stronger with your spiritual practice. You no longer need to be scared of these ghosts of despair. They may be a pattern to release; a…..
The word, Spirit, is from the Latin “spiritus,” which means breath. Our spirit is the gift of life, the provider of all things. Without our breath, our bodies cannot function and Spirit passes from our physical form. As we breathe, we infuse life into every cell. Breathe in; breathe out. That is what meditation and yoga is all about. The word, yoga, is Sanskrit for “union.” As we breathe into each pose, we are uniting our mind, body and spirit……